ARPA 56 min

Rights Respecting

Right Respecting Silver logoAtkinson Road Primary Academy is a Silver Rights Respecting School - a UNICEF award made to schools who show good progress towards embedding the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into their ethos and curriculum.

At Atkinson Road Primary Academy, all our children are taught about their rights, but we also have a global curriculum that teaches them about the rights denied to other children all over the world, both historically and in today's society. 

In celebration of partnership, the staff, governors, parents and pupils strive to create an educational setting which enables our pupils to grow in wisdom, understanding and mutual respect. As a Rights Respecting School, our pathway to a successful future is grounded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Article 29 - Education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

Silver Rights Respecting School Award

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children have a right to:

  • survive as a fit and healthy person
  • be protected from harm and abuse
  • develop physically, mentally and socially
  • participate as an active citizen

Atkinson Road 1914UNICEF UK believes that the principles and values of the convention should be embedded in the ethos and curriculum of every school.  This is the purpose of the Rights Respecting School Award.

In a Rights Respecting school, children learn about their rights and how all children and adults should respect each others rights.  They know that all children up to 18 are legally entitled to these rights and that they cannot be taken away from them.  They understand that the adults in their lives, parents, teachers, doctors etc, are there to support them and to ensure that their rights are met.

The Silver Rights Respecting award recognises that Atkinson Road embeds the values of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child in the life of the school, and makes sure that children have a knowledge and understanding of the rights.

It also recognises the culture of our classrooms and that pupils actively participate in decision-making throughout the school. Click on the link to find out more information on Rights Respecting Schools.



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