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Atkinson Rd 0211At Atkinson Road Academy, we understand that change is an exciting part of every child’s journey. From the first step into Early Years, to the big transition into Reception and then Year 1, we support every child as they grow and move forward. As our pupils continue to progress, they enjoy new experiences and challenges in each year group, until the milestone of moving on to secondary school after Year 6. Img 5413 copy

This page explores how we guide and support our students through each of these important transitions, ensuring they feel confident, settled, and ready for the next step in their learning adventure. Every transition is an opportunity for growth and development, and we’re here to make it a positive experience for every child.


We want to make the transitions as smooth and positive an experience as possible, so that the quality of learning is maintained and children continue to make the very best progress possible. Our intent is to:

  • Make the transition from home to Academy, and from year group to year group, a happy one
  • Support all children to develop independence, confidence and the ability to cope with change
  • Give pupils a clear understanding of the new expectations ahead of them
  • Ensure that any relevant information from outside agencies is shared and acted upon, particularly in regard to children who might be considered vulnerable
  • Assist parents/carers in helping their child prepare for Academy and new transitions
  • See transition as a process rather than an event

From Home to Nursery or Reception

Once a place in the Nursery or Reception has been confirmed, families are invited to a meeting at which they will meet the Nursery/Reception team and learn more about the settling-in process.

Children are invited to visit Academy before they start to become familiar with their new school and the staff who will be supporting them.

From Nursery to Reception

Nursery children are generally confident about the move to Reception, as they share routines, approaches and expectations. Nursery children also have the opportunity to visit the Reception classes every week during the last half term of the school year, to build their confidence in a new setting.

The parents of Nursery children who are moving into Reception attend a meeting for new parents. These children share transition activities with children who are new to the Academy.

Transition from EYFS to Year 1

Transition from Reception to Year 1 presents a challenge as children move from the more play-based approach of the EYFS curriculum to the expectations of the National Curriculum.

At the start of the year, children experience a gradual transition, slowly increasing the number and length of whole-class, teacher-led sessions.

During the summer term, Year 1 teachers spend time in Reception classrooms with the children they will be receiving. Towards the end of the summer term, children visit the Year 1 classrooms and take part in an activity morning with their new teacher.

Reception teachers share a pupil progress summary with EYFS teachers, which identifies gaps in children’s learning to help plan for the start in September. 

Transition from Class to Class

All children visit their new classes towards the end of the summer term, to spend a morning in their new classroom with their new teacher.

Transition meetings are timetabled towards the end of the summer term, at which the existing teacher and receiving teacher discuss each child, to make sure the receiving teacher has a good understanding of their needs.

Whilst some activities in the first week of the Autumn term are planned to help children settle into their new environment and new teacher, it is our policy to move to a regular timetable as soon as practicable, in order to maximise the children’s learning opportunities.

Transition from Primary to Secondary Academy

The Academy writes to all Year 6 parents/carers in September to explain the process of applying to a secondary school. Our Academy is closely linked with Excelsior Academy to provide a strong transition package.

Once places have been offered and accepted, we liaise with each receiving secondary school to discuss their transition programme. This programme varies between schools but usually includes visits or transition projects.

The Academy shares pupil information with the receiving school, including the end of Key Stage 2 attainment levels and pastoral information. Pupil records are also transferred to the receiving secondary Academy.

All pupils in Year 6 are supported with transition through their PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education, Citizenship topics such as dealing with peer pressure and personal safety, and Relationships and Sex Education.

If you need any support with this process or have any questions, please speak with a member of the Year 6 team.