House Captains 2022 23

Successes and Achievements

We are very proud of the awards our school has gained and include details of some of them on this page.

SENDIA Inclusion Award

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In 2024, we were proud to retain the SENDIA award. This award provided a framework for our school to improve classroom practice and outcomes for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.

The award recognises that we offer high-quality education for pupils with SEND - removing barriers to learning through early identification, inclusive teaching and effective leadership.

“The Headteacher expresses a strong vision that inclusion is the centre of the Academy’s ethos and practice and this facilitates a strong strategic commitment to excellent provision for SEND pupils”.

“The range of evidence clearly showed how the academy is meeting the key performance indicators with ample evidence of strong leadership. Pupil progress is clearly monitored and interventions are tracked for impact and parents are well-informed”.

Primary Science Quality Mark Award

Primary Science Quality Mark | STEM

We have been handed the Primary Science Quality Mark Award - the highest level available - with specific praise for their hard work during the pandemic.

The Primary School Quality Mark (PSQM) programme ensures effective science leadership, enables schools to work together to share good practices, and supports professional development led by local experts.

Primary Geography Quality Mark

Primary Geography Quality Mark

In 2021, we were delighted to achieve the Primary Geography Quality Mark. This is an important recognition of the great work we do in delivering a rich and varied Geography curriculum that encourages creative and critical thinking, and helps pupils become responsible global citizens.

“[ARPA] have a clear vision for Geography and its place in the wider curriculum which is clearly helping to shape the way that the subject is taught and which acknowledges that we live in a global, interdependent world. A focus on the exploration and celebration of differences and similarities is a key strength”.

Investing in Children Membership

InvestingInChildren iic

In 2021, we were proud to achieve the Investing in Children Award. This recognises that our school has an ‘imaginative and inclusive practice’, which promotes the human rights of children and young people.

"Atkinson Road Primary has been awarded this because it involves children and young people in dialogue that leads to change.”

Skills Builder Bronze Award

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In 2021, we were pleased to achieve the Skills Builder Bronze Award. The award recognises our school’s commitment to the development of essential skills such as speaking, listening, teamwork, leadership, creativity, problem-solving, aiming high, and staying positive in our daily school life. These skills will prepare pupils for their future study and careers.

UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award

Silver logo

In 2020, we were proud to have achieved the Silver Rights Respecting School Award. This is granted by UNICEF UK to schools that show good progress towards embedding children’s rights in school by: 

  • Explicitly embedding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in policy, practice and culture
  • Promoting knowledge and understanding of the Convention through the student council and the wider school community
  • Ensuring that pupils understand and see themselves as Rights Respecting global citizens

“Atkinson Road is a nurturing school and the wellbeing of staff and the children is clearly a priority. The school ensures that children have access to a broad education that supports them to develop their own skills and talents and they provide additional opportunities for children through an extensive range of extra-curricular clubs and Saturday Masterclasses.”

“Children are empowered to enjoy and exercise their rights.”

“Children, young people and adults collaborate to develop and maintain a school community based on equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.” 

Wellbeing Award

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In 2020 we achieved the Wellbeing Award. We are delighted to retain the award in 2024 for another three years. This acknowledges how we promote emotional wellbeing and mental health, both for staff and pupils. We are very proud of this award as it reflects our own school ethos and culture, in which mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.

“... they know what they are doing and are very clear about their values… staff morale and appreciation is high.”


Wellbeing award

Leading Parent Partnership Award

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Atkinson Road Primary Academy is proud of its working relationships with parents and carers. A parent’s involvement in their child’s learning really does make a difference and we are committed to giving our parents and carers the tools and support that they need to help their child to achieve their full potential.

In April 2020, we were officially accredited with the Leading Parent Partnership Award and were delighted to have been re-awarded in 2023. This is a national award that provides us with a valuable framework for continuous school improvement and also gives us recognition for our commitment to working with parents and carers.

“There is a commitment to supporting parent partnership and community links in order to meet the needs of the diverse pupils and their families.”

“Parents are supportive of the school and the way it works with them.” 


Lppa atkinson road primary academy

Eco-Schools Green Flag

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We received the Green Flag Award in 2020 in recognition of our efforts to become a more sustainable and environment-conscious school. To achieve this award, the whole school increased its sense of responsibility to the environment and the local area.

We established a student-elected Eco Committee, for example, with one representative from each class. This committee then carried out an environmental audit of the school and created a school action plan.

Eco Warriors

Healthy Schools Plus


Atkinson Road Primary Academy was awarded Healthy Schools Plus Status renewal in 2020. This award recognises our school’s dedication to supporting children’s health and the link between good health, behaviour and achievement.

We teach pupils about many health-related topics including healthy eating, first aid training, dental hygiene, effective hand washing, and road safety.

International School Award

International schools award


We are proud to hold the Intermediate level of the International School Award. This award recognises our pledge to ‘embed international awareness and understanding’ in order to help pupils become responsible global citizens. The award recognises our school’s

  • Strength in teaching a broad and balanced curriculum to increase knowledge, awareness and tolerance about other countries and cultures.
  • Links with other schools overseas and have worked on collaborative projects.
  • Sharing educational practice with partners overseas.







Woodland Trust's Green Tree School

Green Tree Schools Award - Woodland Trust

As an eco-friendly school, we continue to be involved in a wide range of green activities including tree and flower planting, visiting local woodlands, and recycling. In 2020, we were very proud to receive the Woodlands Trust’s Green Tree School award. This is presented to schools that encourage outdoor learning and inspires pupils to learn about trees, woods and wildlife.

Early Years Quality Mark

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We are delighted to achieve the Early Years Quality Mark. This award recognises the hard work of our Early Years team, and the high level of support they give to children and families, based on individual learner’s needs. This Quality Mark was awarded in recognition of our school's improvements in the way we teach children communication, literacy and mathematics.

“The school’s high standards and pursuit of excellence validates the effectiveness of well-established monitoring procedures.”

“Behaviour management across the school is very effective. Children’s behaviour is exemplary.”

Basic Skills Quality Mark


The Basic Skills Quality Mark is a nationally recognised accreditation demonstrating a school's commitment to continually improving standards. The Quality Mark was awarded to our school in 2019 and recognises our high standards in the provision, practice and performance of English and Mathematics.  

Artsmark Gold Award

Gold Award logo

Atkinson Road Primary Academy was accredited by Arts Council England for ‘actively championing high-quality art and cultural education within its curriculum’.

In February 2023, the schools 'Statement of Commitment' and 'Statement of Impact' to the arts was assessed to meet Artsmark Gold Award status. Artsmark were pleased to share this feedback:

'You clearly have a long-term commitment to arts and culture which is beginning to have measurable effects on staff and pupils. All pupils can access an established range of arts and cultural provision through work with local arts and cultural organisations, in school and on visits outside the classroom, and through extra-curricular activities. Arts engagement in school is supported by SLT and the Principal is involved with the Newcastle Cultural Education Partnership (NCEP). There is a cross-curricular, topic focused approach. Specialist music staff support weekly instrument lessons for all pupils, and there is a new bought in Kapow art curriculum. Engagement leads to effective showcasing opportunities within school and the local community. Your Elmer project and Wonderwall sound like great projects. You have been very flexible in shifting your plans due to the pandemic, from moving to online lessons using recycled art materials for pupils, accessing museums and galleries through Google Arts and Culture, and showcasing pupil work through social media. We're glad you managed to work closely with Seven Stories on the 'Inspired By' project, even if it was delayed by the pandemic. It sounds like it had positive impacts for all those involved and inspired your school library redevelopments. Your Arts Council is really positive for pupil voice, and it sounds like you are beginning to give pupils real decision-making opportunities over their learning. This is supported by Art Award delivery. You have focused CPD on art delivery through Kapow with art leaders and seen how this has increased staff confidence, and been cascaded within staff meetings.’

Congratulations on your Artsmark Gold Award!

This award is valid for two years and will expire on 15/02/2025


What does Arts Mark gold mean?

Arrts Mark Gold Blurb

Music Mark


As a continued Music Mark member, we are committed to providing a high-quality Music education regardless of social or economic factors. We provide free music tuition and instruments to all children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Music mark certificate

Historic England Heritage School


We were delighted to achieve the Heritage School status. Awarded by Historic England, this demonstrates our commitment to embedding local heritage into the curriculum, ensuring young people develop a sense of place, a connection to where they live, and an understanding of the significance of people and places in local, national and world history.

Schools of Sanctuary

Schools of Sanctuary – Coventry City of Peace

Atkinson Road Primary Academy is proud to have achieved the School of Sanctuary Award. As a school, we are committed to being a safe and welcoming place for everyone, especially those children and families seeking sanctuary. This could be people whose lives were in danger in their own country, who have troubles at home or are just looking for a place of safety. A School of Sanctuary helps children, staff and the wider community understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community.