Family Support Links

Newcastle Support Directory1

July 2024 Update

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May 2024 Update


Please find attached details of courses that are available for parents and carers from Children and Families Newcastle. Arguing-better.pdfDebt-and-relationships.pdfGetting-it-right-for-children.pdfMe-you-and-baby-too.pdfOnline-relationship-support.pdfApril 2024 Update

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Autism questionnaire


March 2024 Update


Question and Answer session with Deanne Taylor, Head of SEND, Newcastle Council on Teams:

Thursday 17 April 2024 (16:30 – 17:30)

Question-and-answer-session-linkThe 18th of March 2024 is National Child Exploitation Awareness Day

WHO – Who is talking to your child online?
WHERE – Where does your child go when they leave your house?
WHAT – What do you know about exploitation?

For more information, please click link 

National Child Exploitation Awareness DayJanuary 2024 Update

Winter Parent Carer Forum NewsletterDecember 2023 Update

Riverside Programme of Activities (January - March 2024)

Programme   Jan   Mar 2024 Timetable


October 2023 Update

Autumn Parent Carer Forum NewsletterSeptember 2023 Update

Newcastle Parent Carer Forum NewsletterThe below groups are eligible for a flu vaccine from 1 September 2023. Flu sprays for 2-3 year olds are a priority to keep children and their relatives safe, please contact your GP asap to arrange your child’s flu spray if they are below school age.

·         those aged 65 years and over

·         those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups

·         pregnant women

·         all children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2023

·         primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6)

·         those in long-stay residential care homes

·         carers in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person

·         close contacts of immunocompromised individuals

·         frontline workers in a social care setting without an employer led occupational health scheme including those working for a registered residential care or nursing home, registered domiciliary care providers, voluntary managed hospice providers and those that are employed by those who receive direct payments (personal budgets) or Personal Health budgets, such as Personal Assistants

Eligible school aged children (including those in clinical risk groups) will be offered immunisation by the school age immunisation service. However, general practices should continue to invite eligible school aged children in clinical risk groups for flu vaccination to ensure that they can access a vaccine before flu starts to circulate, where school sessions may be scheduled for later in the season or have been missed.

Up to date information on Covid-19 and Flu vaccines can be found via the below link:

How to get your Covid-19 Vaccination in Newcastle | Newcastle City Council


April 2023 Update

Incredible Years Autism and Language Delay programme 

A brand new "Incredible Years Autism and language delay" programme, starts Tuesday 25th April 10-12 and runs for 12 weeks at the GALAFIELDS Centre on Newbiggin Lane, NE5 1LZ.

Perfect for parents/carers of children 2-5 years old (may also be appropriate for 6-7 year olds. We can talk it through with you to see if would be suitable for your child).

The courses are for anyone who lives in Newcastle.

You can book your free place for this or any of our other programmes by using our online form

The Incredibe Years


March 2023 Update

What is the HAF Programme?

HAF is a Department for Education (DfE) funded programme aimed at enabling children and young people in receipt of benefits-related free school meals (FSM) and In need over to attend school holiday activities and experiences during Easter, summer and Christmas. 

In Newcastle , we work with over 150 organisations to deliver the programme for families. This includes our schools,  Children & Families Services,  voluntary sector including  community providers – youth & play services – sporting organisations,  workshop- training providers, supermarkets, food & catering suppliers.

The programme creates free places for eligible children to attend, with a focus on enriching activities and experiences with a healthy meal and snacks included. Click the link to visit their website.




February 2023 Update

InformationNOW is the information website for people living and working in Newcastle. Helping you stay informed, make choices, plan ahead, be independent and have an excellent quality of life. It’s a big directory of services, including support for families, finding out about warm hubs, health, housing, care and benefits and many other support services.

Free School Meals – February 2023 Half Term

This half term will be the same arrangements as at Christmas with vouchers of £20 per eligible pupil for the half term week.

December 2022 Update

Please see attached the first edition of the Children & Families and SEND Local offer News, a termly newsletter to keep you up to date with what’s going on, on the Newcastle Support Directory.

Newcastle Support Directory Winter News 2022There are lots of activities on offer through the Holiday Activity Fund (HAF), you can find out more on our Holiday Activities Page. We have also attached a flyer you can print or use on social media.

For a quick update on what’s new check out Children and Families News.