Parent Voice Summary

At ARPA we feel strongly that education requires a strong and trusting partnership between home and school. Our staff work hard to ensure that your child receives a quality of education that we can be proud of and which you can put your faith in.

Communication is very important in this partnership. Each term we will give you a formal opportunity to tell us how you feel about our school (the questionnaire) but we encourage you to come and talk to us about any and all concerns or questions you may have.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch whenever you need us.

Parent Voice: June 2024 

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Parent Voice: March 2024

Parent feedback is incredibly important to us at Atkinson Road. It is part of our role to reflect and always look for improvements to our provision in the best interests of our pupils.

We value your support and feedback and how we can improve outcomes for pupils by working in this way. Please see the recent survey below and the school's response/actions to ensure that our families play a role in School Development.

72 parents completed the Parent/ Carer questionnaire.

Strongly Agree/



My child is happy at this school.



My child feels safe at this school.



The school makes sure the pupils are well-behaved?



I am aware of what my child will learn during the year.



When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with.



The school has high expectations for my child.



My child does well at this school.



The school lets me know how my child is doing.



There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school.



My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.



The school supports my child’s wider development.



Parent/ Carer Comments

  • They are kind and set a good pace for children - keep it up!
  • My daughter feels safe at school and when any issues have occurred, they have been dealt with immediately.




  • They help children reach their potential and keep them safe.
  • I see there is significant improvement for my son and daughter.
  • My child does well in school and he loves to be in school.
  • I am confident my child is learning and progressing.




  • Teachers are highly qualified and professional.




  • It is a very good school.
  • Children’s feelings are respected.

  • They have beautiful educational ideas and new skills for the students.





Parent Voice Headlines: October 2023

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to fill out our Parent Questionnaire this term. Your voice really does matter and we truly believe that we need to work together to make Atkinson Road the best school for your children that it can be. We were overwhelmed by the meaningful and generous comments. Our staff work extremely hard, ensuring that our pupils are at the centre of all that we do. Here are the headlines from our recent questionnaires.

138 parents completed the Parent/ Carer questionnaire.

Strongly Agree/



My children have settled in their new class.



My child is happy at this school.



My child feels safe at this school.



The school makes sure the pupils are well-behaved?



My child has been bullied and the school has dealt with it effectively.



I am aware of what my child will learn during the year.



When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with.



My child has SEND and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.



The school has high expectations for my child.



My child does well at this school.



The school lets me know how my child is doing.



There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school.



My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.



The school supports my child’s wider development.



Parent Comments and School Response

Parent concerns: 1. Receiving more regular feedback on my child’s work and ability.

2. Support and feedback about my child’s welfare and behaviour issues

  • Have more frequent one to one meeting, so we can put extra effort where needed to meet my child’s expectations at school. Having discussions throughout the year would help more.
  • The school needs to provide more information about my son's academic performance. You are doing a great job but I wish to/would like to know more about my son's academic performance.
  • I would like to know my child’s scores in each subject so I know about my child's progress.
  • Talk about behaviour

School response:

During the pandemic, schools had to stop face-to-face contact with parents for a long time. We are now able to meet you whenever the need arises. So, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not wait for our more formal parents’ evenings. Please arrange a time to meet with your child’s class teacher, our SEN/ Welfare Manager; (Mrs Donkin), one of our Assistant Head Teachers (Mr Hunt – KS2, Mrs Daglish – KS1, or Mrs Brown – EYFS) or if you have any further questions, please see Mrs Macaulay. Our first Parents evenings are on 14th and 28th of November. Your child’s teacher will send out appointment letters after the half term holidays.

Parent concern: Wider school communication

  • More information about school activities.
  • Plenty of notice for events or special occasions. (i.e., Children in Need, World Book Day, sports day etc. Not all parents can just buy something last minute as some of us work full time).
  • The school meals should be free / Put in place how parents can pay for child’s meal online.

School response:

We post frequently on our school Facebook page as well as send messages and virtual badges on MarvellousMe. If you have not already signed up to both, please speak to your child’s teacher for more information. We also have a full school calendar of school events and key dates on our website as well as school information regarding school dinners and the other ways how we care for your child. Visit our school website at for more information. Our school policy for special events like Children in Need, Red Nose Day and World Book Day is to allow children to come to school in non-uniform with no expectation of any special clothes needed. During World Book Days, children are welcome to dress up as their favourite book characters if they wish, however we plan activities around making book-themed arts and crafts in school for such events.

Parent concern: Homework

  • Children should have homework in all subjects to enable them to engage and also make parents aware of what they are being taught at school.

School response:

We work hard to promote a positive reading culture across the school and believe that home reading is the best way families can support their children. We also have a range of online learning games that can be accessed on our Learning Hub which covers a range of school subjects available on our school website.  For KS2 pupils, there is a range of digital platforms that the children use in school which can be accessed at home (CenturyTech – English, Maths & Science for Y5 and Y6, Mathletics for Y3-Y6, TTRockstars (times tables practise for children in Y1-Y6 and Numberbots (maths for Nursery/ Reception children). Teachers are happy to discuss any additional support that we offer at parent meetings. Mr Clark, our Deputy Head Teacher, would also be happy to discuss how best to use these programmes.

Parent concern: School grounds

  • Stop the parents crowding around the school gates at the end of the day.
  • Stop smoking around the school premises.
  • Parents should not to queue when dropping children off.

School response:

Parents and carers are invited to wait in the playgrounds at the end of each school day to collect their children rather than waiting at the entrance of the main school gates. We support the Smoke Free Newcastle Partnership to reduce children’s exposure to smoking. We ask  all parents and carers to abstain from smoking at the entrance to school grounds.

Other comments

  • The school and the teachers are really working hard in progress of the school. My child loves this school.
  • We are really happy with the school; any issues have been resolved quickly.
  • Everything is going well, no new concerns.
  • There are higher expectations from this school and the teachers are really committed to reach a high standard.
  • Keep doing what you all do best!!
  • Just keep up the good work and the help you give my child. He is doing very well.

Thank you once again for your continued support in making our school the very best that it can be and for acknowledging how hard staff work. Your children are amazing!